permacultura en La Palma



Matricultura© - life-giving path towards life-centred livelihood

Deutsch       Espanol      English

Tasks, objectives and realisation
visual language
core values
reclaim and uphold the inherent infinite social, emotional and spiritual intelligence
Basic research
patriarchal fission-patterns
Matricultura implemented in real life
Life-Biotope and analytical model
Analysis Autarca 2007-2010 and forecast 2013
Picture gallery of the Life-Biotope Autarca
Autarca - Centre for ecological development
Links and Literature
publishers imprint and disclaimer



Matricultura© distances itself from patriarchal fission-patterns:

In the name of Matricultura neither "business consultancy" nor "environment consultancy" to increase profit is possible. A clean and environmentally compatible exploitation of Mother Earth is as impossible as "humane" torture or "fair" war.

Matricultura distances itself from any kind of violence. In every situation there are pacifistic and respectful solutions.

Matricultura distances itself from any kind of fissioning.

Fissioning of the earth: Exploitation of petroleum, natural gas, ores and uranium, application of artificial fertilizer and chemicals in agriculture, nuclear fission (nuclear power, particle accelerator)

Fissioning of the water: H²-energy, fissioning of cells (manipulation of cells), canalisation of rivers

Fissioning of the fire: Destruction of the integrity of food, fissioning of genes (genetic manipulation, nanotechnology) fissioning of money into medium of exchange and medium of speculation

Fissioning of the air: Fissioning of oxygen at the surface of the earth and fissioning of ozone (ozonolysis) in the stratosphere through harmful gases and ultra short wave (mobile phone etc.)

Fissioning of the energy of life: Fissioning of the energy of life in vivid and in over-active and poisonous life energy trough radioactivity and microwaves. Also future technologies that work with space-Energy or nanotechnology should be examined regarding eventual fission-products.

Social fissioning: such as castes, classes, amongst them also the self-appointed "priest casts" from so-called initiated and secret societies, prophesies, fortune teller, conspiracy theories.

Psychological fissioning: rational reasoning of injustice, exploitation, rivalry, oppression, violence, prostitution, slavery, forcing staff (police, military, private guard executive, debt enforcement department, etc.)

With Matricultura there shall be no earning of fission money (euro, dollar, pound, etc.)!

Fission money requires exponential growth of wealth and debt because of the dynamic of the compound interest. Thus in society fission is created in wealthy and indebted, in propertied and dispossessed, in workers with wage and workers without wage, in nature to exploit and nature to protect. Matricultura recognizes fission-money as the main motor of the exponential growing destruction-machinery of the patriarchal world economy. Fission-money has brought the people in deep inner and outer dependency – today life turns around fission-money. Matricultura demands, that life turns around life again.

Matricultura implicates a holistic world view. There is neither hierarchy nor a picture of a linear evolution, there are no rulers but: All of us are empowered beings.

Matricultura advises to dare now to start building a life-biotope.  "I can't" means in the language of Matricultura "I fear the consequences". "I have to" means "I don't want to".

Life-giving path towards life-centred livelihood as PDF-file







Permakultur La Palma, Permakultur Kanarische Inseln, Permakultur Tinizara, alternatives Projekt La Palma, holistisches Projekt La Palma, Heilungsbiotop La Palma, Tiefenökologie La Palma, Tiefenökologie Kanarische Inseln, Akademie für Permakultur La Palma, Akademie für Permakultur Kanaren                                     


Version: 13.08.16 16:32:59
Autarca Tinizara