Canary's oldest and most
visited permaculture system with edible forest garden. AUTarcaMatricultura
- Permaculture Academy La Palma
Permaculture depends on reawakening to our
interdependence with the natural world. Restoration Ecology, Barefoot-Project, Permaculture and
Applied Agroecology, Holistic Landscape Healing Regenerative Agroforestry, Syntropic
Agriculture, Ecosystem Restoration, Theory and praxis of the creation of life-friendly and autonomous
edible Forest Gardens La Palma - Canary Island - Spain
Flyer all offers Building resilience: Canarian Islands Transition Network Initiative “The prime Directive of Permaculture: The only ethical
decision is to take responsibility for your own existence and that of
our children’s. Make it now.” (Bill Mollison)
“If you guys do it right, you’ll never need to do a design for
anyone because everyone will be a designer.” (Bill Mollison)
Tour in English: Please announce in advance if
you want a guided tour in English!!! Friday,
12th April 2024: The legendary Day Seminar
Experience: Permaculture and Forest Garden Start: 11.00
a.m., until approx. 15.00 p.m.
Project fee: 35 € per person / children 8-16
years: 15 €. Please register as early as possible: mail: autarca
(at) phone:
922 49 02 15
Telegram/Signal/WhatsApp: (+34) 634 359 123
Google Maps: (Please note: Take the coastal road at Bar
Garome in Tinizara. Google Maps shows wrong exit from LP1)
Take along: notebook / camera / sun
protection / rain and wind protection / good shoes
We show
permaculture with all the life-centered cycles in the
essential areas of our life. - energy
self-sufficiency:e-car, bio-gas, solar
cooking, bio-climatic building, the AUTarcaMatricultura
"Earthship", water recycling - grey water treatment. - Nutrient self-sufficiency:
humus build-up with TerraPreta, wormfarming, lasagna-, crater- and
hill beds, water retention landscape. - Dignified integrationof domestic and wild
animals, including small cell Varroa resistant beekeeping.
- Oxygen self-sufficiency and "production":
re-greening , revitalizing with species-rich wild forest
gardens, with ponds, swales, craters ( =chiropractic for
Mother Earth...), agroecology and syntropic farming
- Transition towards a resilient economy
and peaceful and egalitarian society. - Integral
Environmental Healing: original weather work according to
Wilhelm Reich, biol.dyn. preparations according to Maria Thun, the
binding of heavy metals and radioactive pollution with biochar
(pyrolysis). - Matriarchal way of Education and
Healthcare and many tips for emigrating to the
Canary Islands...
Credits and
"AUTarcaMatricultura has provided the most enriching experience I can
ever have imagined receiving on countless levels in my being! The whole
place is a blessing for humanity and our planet, and I am leaving here
with my heart full of inspiration. Now I know what is possible, and how
easy it actually is, I am excited to use this, share this and be part of
the example we need to be to fulfil our duties at this time on earth."
Maria, England "AUTarcaMatricultura
is an outstanding example for the
Permaculture Movement!" Donald, Ireland
"A true future..., I´m so
Denise, Australia
"La Palma's don't miss life-centred alternativ!"
AUTarcaMatricultura - Permaculture Documentary Permaculture activists take
responsibility for their thoughts, actions and feelings by
"understanding and copying nature" as well as "studying and
imitating peaceful and egalitarian societies".
AUTarcaMatricultura is portrayed in the 'BUT BEAUTIFUL'
The step-out-pioneer recognizes the exponentially growing destruction of
Mother Earth and the oppression of her creation as a consequence of the
patriarchal-characterized world view and therefore she steps out
deliberately. The step-out-pioneer says no to the chaos of war, economic
and social injustice, atomic, genetically engineered and electromagnetic
contamination, abuse and exploitation, logos-driven perception and
ego-centred lifestyle.
The step-in-pioneer puts
life in the centre of her work and her activities. She encourages
vividness with heart and creativity, the joy and the health for all
beings; she feels that she is part of the whole, part of Mother Earth.
The step-in-pioneer walks the path towards life-centred livelihood
focused on the origin, he creates powerful visions of a healthy Mother
Earth and he assumes full responsibility for his actions. To become more
uncompromising and more life loving there are changes to plan and to
realize in all areas of life.
We all
are in dependence with the existing systems that are based on a
patriarchal world view. The successful step out is not to be forced
overnight. The deeper we get involved with life and the more skilful we
get of life-giving activity, the more sustainable we step out of
consumerism, greed and exploitation. The step-out-pioneer knows that six
thousand years of patriarchalisation of the human race leave their mark
to the innermost mental, emotional and spiritual existence and to the
base of cellular level, too. Vividness became divided, oppressed and
buried. The step-in-pioneer liberates herself gradually from the
patriarchal world view. She uses this new sense of liberty and spare
time to build her Life-Biotope. The step-in-pioneer liberates gently the
buried and frozen vividness in his nature. This gained freedom gives him
ground, orientation, spontaneity, grace and the ability to empathic
participation. In order to win back life, the step-in-pioneer works his
outer as well as his inner world. The inner and the outer working levels
fertilize each other mutually.
AUTarcaMatricultura is a Temple of
the Goddess TiniTara.
“The prime Directive of Permaculture: The only ethical decision
is to take responsibility for your own existence and that of our
children’s. Make it now.” Bill Mollison.
„Though the
problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions
remain embarrassingly simple” Bill Mollison
prime Directive of Permaculture: The only ethical decision is to
take responsibility for your own existence and that of our
children’s. Make it now.” Bill Mollison.
“The greatest
change we need to make is from consumption to production, even
if on a small scale, in our gardens. If only 10% of us do this,
there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of
revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very
system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food
and shelter “(Bill Mollison).
“Without trees, we cannot
inhabit the earth“ (Bill Mollison).
“Animals are the
messengers of the tree, and trees the garden of animals. Life
depends upon life. All forces, all elements, all life forms are
the biomass of the tree” (Bill Mollison).
“Within every
problem lies the solution.” “The only limiting factor is
information” (Bill Mollison).
“Trees are cool, they
grow!” (Wangari Maathai).
“Nature is the best thing we
have got, point to something other…we haven’t anything else, it
hasn’t only survived, it has thrived“ (Geoff Lawton).
Barbara Graf, Ostara 2011,
Translation from the
original: Lucienne Mueller, Chile
To Reconnect
I am shivering because of cold and fear; I seethe with anger,
foam over in incomprehension, the heart swashes, the tears flow
ceaselessly with the rain at the same time: The skies cry, the
earth is livid with shock, in the depths of the caves, unending
reverberation of the unspeakable.
The poison made by fissioned people, crawls without warning,
fissions, destroys, slowly, steadily, suspends the wheel of
time. The poison made by fissioned people enwraps the delusion
of wealth, generates deformed figures, contaminates water,
earth, fire, air and life.
Long since the beings of the air knew about it, the birds, bees
and spiders, long since the beings of the earth knew about it,
the worms, the snakes and rabbits, long since words failed the
beings of the oceans, the dolphins, the turtles and octopuses.
Earth mother globe, big wonder of whom I am a child, I beg You:
Forgive all my actions which I did and still do against you
because of ignorance, arrogance or vanity; forgive me where I
don't rebel because of laziness; forgive me where I participate
in fissioning life because of cowardice.
Grand mother of all life and all souls, with your help I try to
cement, sow together, create ground, for your beings, all my
sisters and brothers, the birds, bees and spiders, the worms,
snakes and rabbits, the whales, turtles and octopuses.
Carrier of the holy cycles of life, I thank you, for the
strength and the distinctness, to always find the sense again to
counter steer: With firm paces my feet want to touch the stones;
without blood on my hands the seeds shall be laid in the ground;
my conversation with the trees shall be with a pure heart; a
womb full with thankfulness and joy shall welcome your
deliciousness; clear windows shall be my eyes for my children;
who know the truth from my soul and straighten I shall my spine
for a reconnection to the grand wonder of life.
Autarca Tinizara - La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain centre of information, knowledge and practical
realisation for a
life-centred livelihood
and Earth healing initiatives:
ecological intelligence and integral architecture
Öko-Architektur, Biol. Dynamischer Landbau, Umstellung von konventionellen auf
biologischen Landbau, Waldgarten, no do Agrikultur,
Hühnertraktor, poetische und sinfonische Agrikultur,
Saatgut sammeln und tauschen, biol. Baumschule, Permakultur Beratung
und Ausbildung, Biodiversität und Integration, Führungen, Autarkes Leben,
Heilkräuter Anbau und Verarbeitung, solares Kochen und Backen,
Wasserkreisläufe, Nährstoffkreisläufe, biologisch dynamische
Bienenhaltung, Ziegen und Hühner Rotationssysteme, nicht patriarchale
und nicht hierarchische Permakultur, matriarchale Permakultur
deep ecology,
the philosophy that asks to feel with others and think for
yourself das ökologische Selbst, der große Wandel,
innere eigenleibliche Intelligenz, ökologische Intelligenz, Öko-Moral, die Erde als
Liebhaberin, das Selbst ist die Welt, die Intelligenz von Mutter Erde,
integral-analytische Körpertherapie nach CORE Energetik,
Öko-Psychologie, Atemtherapie, Bioenergetik
research of vividness and the Integral
Environmental Healing Heilungsbiotop, Himmelsakupunktur,
Öko-Schamanismus, homöopathische Präparate für die Landwirtschaft,
Umwelt-Erdheilungsrituale, Integration der fünf Elemente Erde, Feuer,
Wasser Luft und Lebensenegie