Matricultura© - life-giving path towards life-centred livelihood

Deutsch       Espanol      English

Tasks, objectives and realisation
visual language
core values
reclaim and uphold the inherent infinite social, emotional and spiritual intelligence
Basic research
patriarchal fission-patterns
Matricultura implemented in real life
Life-Biotope and analytical model
Analysis Autarca 2007-2010 and forecast 2013
Picture gallery of the Life-Biotope Autarca
Autarca - Centre for ecological development
Links and Literature
publishers imprint and disclaimer



Links in the context of Matricultura

Biodynamic Farming, alternative beekeeping, Permaculture and the knowledge about seeds 
Maria Thun 
Bill Mollison 
Sustainable Agriculture Research Institute
Stefan and Iris Braun
Vandava Shiva 
Masanobu Fukuoka 
Wangari Maathai  
Nicanor Perlas

matriarchal research
Heide Göttner-Abendroth 
Marija GimbutasArcheologist of the Goddess 
Doris Wolf: Das andere Ägypten-Buch 
Christa Mulack 
Carola Meier-Seetaler 
Gerda Weiler 

Research of vividness and Earth-Healing
Wilhelm Reich 
Viktor Schauberger 
Bernd Senf - Lebensenergieforschung,  Bernd Senf - Wetterarbeit
Jean Liedloff 
Wangari Maathai
Thor Heyerdahl

Philosophy that asks to feel with others and think for yourself
Hannah Arendt 
Annegret Stopczyk 
Luisa Muraro 
Virginia Woolf  

Alternative economic science and subsistence economy
Bernd Senf: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft,   Bernd Senf: Strukturelle Gewalt im Geldsystem 
Margrit Kennedy
Genevieve Vaughan 
Muhammad Yunus 
Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen 
Manfred Max-Neef 

Information and clarification as action
International Forum on Globalization
The International Society for Ecology  
Bernd Senf 
Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration 
Wangari Maathai  
World Future Council

Refinement of sexuality
The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society

Holistic therapy forms
The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society
Alexander and Leslie Lowen

Eva Pierrakos 
John Pierrakos  
Hedy Geimer-Lorusso
Edward Bach 
Georgos Vithoulkas 
Hanspeter Seiler 
Mohinder Singh Jus

Working for peace - the way of the careful non-violence
Sabine Lichtenfels
Tich Nhat Hanh 
Aun San Suu Kyi 
Wangari Maathai  
Johan Galtung and Fumiko Nishimura 
Sulak Sivaraksa

Life-integrated rituals and the magic of life force 
Luisa Francia 
Heide Göttner-Abendroth 

The knowledge of powerful reading and using of symbols
Marija GimbutasArcheologist of the Goddess 
The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society 
Serge Kahili King 

Passionate and uncompromising political participation
Arundhati Roy 
Helena Norberg-Hodge
die Bananenfrauen 
Erika Wisselinck 
Johan Galtung and Fumiko Nishimura

The understanding of mythology and art
Heide Göttner-Abendroth
Gertrud Grunow 
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky 


Alternative network Canary Islands:
Grantiert langfristig lebensfördernde CO˛ Bindung auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
Bäume pflanzen heisst eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunft pflanzen!
Baumpatenschaften (40 Euro / Baum) im biodiversen Waldgarten von AUTarcaMatricultura!
Proyecto ecológico en Garafia
Stefan Braun, Garafia, resistant bees and alternative beekeeping
Ecologistas en Acción es una confederación de más de 300 grupos ecologistas distribuidos por pueblos y ciudades.








Permakultur La Palma, Permakultur Kanarische Inseln, Permakultur Tinizara, alternatives Projekt La Palma, holistisches Projekt La Palma, Heilungsbiotop La Palma, Tiefenökologie La Palma, Tiefenökologie Kanarische Inseln, Akademie für Permakultur La Palma, Akademie für Permakultur Kanaren                                     


Version: 13.09.19 14:09:07
Autarca Tinizara